Case Study

EMPOWERMENT PYRADIGM: Organizational Case Review

About the case:

This case review is a summary of work done by a multi-national group of senior managers in a global organization. They represented both manufacturing and service operations. Given cultural differences within and between their organizations, the issue they wanted to address was to find ways of building and sustaining motivation, productivity, commitment, and common sense of purpose. The PyradigmTM below was a central product/effort of their work together.

We are offering this PyradigmTM case because we think it can be helpful in different ways. 
You can use it:

  • As a descriptive illustrated example of how components of a PyradigmTM are created 
    and fit together;
  • To get a picture of how a group of senior managers can work together to create a PyradigmTM that can guide their organization;
  • As a model to use in your own organization, if empowerment is one of the issues/challenges you are addressing. (If this is the case, we strongly recommend that you not adopt or try to implement this until you have worked together to complete your own process of creating and implementing a PyradigmTM in your organization.)
  • To develop or strengthen awareness of Second Level Learning Points, which are appended after the description of how this PyradigmTM was created. This section also includes comments about using PyradigmsTM to identify organizational “dna”

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Working with Prasad changed the way I think. The personal development Pyramid provided me with a new way of ordering ideas. It allowed me to gain a much better understanding of my own goals and how I might achieve them.

Terrence Black, Managing Director,
BAE Capital, UK